Category Archives: Personal

Personal posts by Curtis Wiklund

Time for a little recap! Haven’t posted much since moving to Ann Arbor in the fall. We pretty much needed to put photography on hold once classes started, but a few shoots snuck in here and there. Here’s the latest!

(This is us in Texas over Thanksgiving.)

Our best friends in the world just got back from their honeymoon and moved to Chicago today. Ugh. Change.
We made them a guest sign-in book for their wedding from the engagement shoot we did together. Here’s the wrap-around cover:More of their engagement shoot pictures can be seen in our gallery.

Jordin and I got married on May 15th, 2009. We love it! Marriage is totally underrated. It’s the best thing either of us have ever done in our lives. We are now Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and Jordin Wiklund!
(more pics at

I’m getting married in three days, and my wife-to-be is unbelievable. I’m going to have butterflies and live in la la land for the rest of my life. :)

For those who missed the bus ride, here’s the video from November (thanks Steve and Evan). Thank you all so much for making it awesome (including the random people riding the bus!). 58 days ’till the big day! Woohoo!